Player details

General statistics
Ranking:#37 | #58Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:108440449 | STEAM_0:1:232496022
Profile URL:
Previous names:Mizuu Neko | Zagnotron
Patent:Level 03 - Bronze #3 | Level 02 - Bronze #2XP:

Games:13 | 4Wins:6 | 1Rage quit:0 | 0
Win rate:46% | 25%Loss:7 | 3Punishment:0 | 0

Statistics as survivor
MVP (SI):3 | 1MVP (CI):5 | 3LVP:13 | 6
SI - Killed:258 | 86Commons:2,490 | 962SI - Damage:75,377 | 26,514
Deaths:9 | 4Times incap.:28 | 19Damage taken:4,791 | 2,132
Tank damage:64,531 | 21,898Rocks eats:9 | 4FF:179 | 167
Skeets:2 | 1Melee skeets:1 | 0Levels:0 | 0
Statistics as infected
Total damage:3,249 | 1,962Tank - Damage dealt:864 | 456
Damage - Spitter:273 | 240Hunter - Pounce damage:0 | 0

Last matches

Dark Carnival

Team B won by 927 points

Calendar 1/16/2025 at 9:28 PM

Clock 00:44:06

Hard Rain

Team B won by 894 points

Calendar 1/15/2025 at 9:23 PM

Clock 00:56:29

The Parish

Team A won by 862 points

Calendar 1/15/2025 at 8:29 PM

Clock 00:47:23

Dark Carnival

Team A won by 34 points

Calendar 1/13/2025 at 11:02 PM

Clock 00:54:37

Dark Carnival

Team A won by 986 points

Calendar 1/13/2025 at 3:15 AM

Clock 01:15:38

No Mercy

Team B won by 650 points

Calendar 1/13/2025 at 1:59 AM

Clock 01:00:57

Death Toll

Team B won by 79 points

Calendar 1/12/2025 at 5:46 PM

Clock 00:44:31

The Parish

Team A won by 2,193 points

Calendar 1/12/2025 at 4:59 PM

Clock 00:40:14

Death Toll

Team B won by 1,251 points

Calendar 1/9/2025 at 10:48 PM

Clock 00:49:05

Dark Carnival

Team B won by 75 points

Calendar 1/9/2025 at 9:56 PM

Clock 00:46:17

Death Toll

Team A won by 1,346 points

Calendar 1/5/2025 at 5:37 PM

Clock 00:33:44

Swamp Fever

Team B won by 600 points

Calendar 1/4/2025 at 10:04 PM

Clock 00:45:38

Hard Rain

Team B won by 1,208 points

Calendar 1/4/2025 at 8:09 PM

Clock 00:52:17

Dark Carnival

Team A won by 318 points

Calendar 1/4/2025 at 7:05 PM

Clock 00:52:13
